Current Programme
For more information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions here.
Programme Eligibility
Who is eligible for the enhanced CFHP?
Each HDB household* is only entitled to one set of vouchers. To be eligible for the enhanced Climate Vouchers, the following needs to be met:
You are a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident registered at an HDB flat.
I purchased my HDB flat recently and will be moving in soon. Should I claim the Climate Vouchers under my new address?
Each HDB household* is only entitled to one set of vouchers during the programme period (i.e. from 15 April 2024 to 31 December 2027). Homeowners who are moving into their newly purchased HDB flat should claim the Climate Vouchers under their new address, after they have updated their registered address.
If I was eligible for the previous CFHP, am I eligible to apply for another set of Climate Vouchers under the enhanced CFHP?
The previous round of Climate Vouchers expired on 20 March 2024.
Regardless of whether you have redeemed Climate Vouchers under the previous CFHP, all HDB households* are eligible for one set of Climate Vouchers under the enhanced CFHP. You may claim a new set of vouchers at The enhanced Climate Vouchers will be available until 31 December 2027.
There are multiple households residing at the same address. Please provide my household with a set of vouchers.
Multiple families/tenants living in the same registered address are collectively entitled to 1 set of Climate Vouchers for the same registered address/flat. Thus, only one member of the dwelling unit needs to claim the Vouchers and share the voucher link with the rest of the members.
I am the owner of the HDB flat, however I do not reside at the HDB flat (i.e. registered address as per NRIC is not at the HDB flat). Am I eligible to claim a set of Climate Vouchers for the HDB flat?
The Climate Vouchers are intended for the residents of the HDB flat to assist in lowering the upfront cost for the purchase of resource-efficient appliances and fittings. In this regard, an owner of a HDB flat whose registered address is not at the flat is unable to claim Climate Vouchers for the flat.
* Multiple families/tenants living in the same registered address are collectively entitled to 1 set of Climate Vouchers for the same registered address/flat.
Claiming your Climate Vouchers
How do I claim my Climate Vouchers?
Please note that only one member needs to claim the Climate Vouchers on behalf of the entire household*. You may forward the unique SMS link to share the vouchers with your household* members.
Visit and tap on Climate Vouchers.
Login with Singpass.
Receive an SMS from which will contain a unique link to your Climate Vouchers.
Please refer to the step-by-step guide on how to claim and spend the $300 Climate Vouchers.
When do the Climate Vouchers expire?
The Climate Vouchers will expire on 31 December 2027.
I encountered problems with accessing my Singpass account or I have forgotten my Singpass password. What can I do?
You may visit this link for a list of Frequently Asked Questions on Singpass.
I don’t have a Singpass account. What should I do?
You may wish to register for a Singpass account. Please refer to the guide on registering for a Singpass account here.
Information on where you can get help to register for a Singpass account can be found under Quick links >> Register an account
Do I need a mobile device to access the vouchers?
Yes, you will need a mobile device with an active mobile data or internet connection plan.
I don’t have a mobile phone. What should I do?
If you do not have a mobile device, please request a household member to claim the vouchers on behalf of your household.
If you do not have a mobile device and/or are unable to access your Singpass, and would like to have printed vouchers instead, please submit your request via this form.
I have previously claimed my Climate Vouchers but misplaced my voucher link. How can I retrieve it again?
To retrieve the voucher link for your Climate Vouchers, please visit log in with Singpass again. You will be able to get your unique voucher link sent via an SMS from
What if I keyed in the wrong mobile number when claiming the vouchers?
You will be required to verify your mobile number via an SMS One Time Password (OTP) when claiming your Climate Vouchers. If you keyed in the wrong mobile number, simply return to the previous page to key in your mobile number again.
The SMS containing the voucher link unique to your household will only be sent after mobile number verification, which helps to ensure that vouchers are not sent to the wrong mobile number.
How can I verify that the SMS link which I have received is a legitimate link?
An SMS with your unique voucher link will only be sent to your mobile number upon you claiming the vouchers.
The SMS can be identified by the sender name "". Please also check that your unique voucher link starts with the following prefix, "". Do not trust vouchers starting with other prefixes.
A sample of the SMS sent from Only trust SMSes from that follow this format.

I have received an SMS asking me to key in my banking details to claim my Climate Vouchers. Is it a scam?
NEA, PUB and RedeemSG will never send any SMS requesting for your banking details to claim your Climate Vouchers. If you receive such an SMS, please do not click on the link or reply
If you detect any suspicious messages relating to RedeemSG or Climate Vouchers, please contact NEA at 6225 5632, or submit the information online at or file a police report by calling 1800 255 0000.
When do I have to claim my vouchers by?
The Climate Vouchers can be claimed any time during the 3-year programme period, and will be valid till 31 December 2027.
* Multiple families/tenants living in the same registered address are collectively entitled to 1 set of Climate Vouchers for the same registered address/flat.
Spending your Climate Vouchers
What can I use my Climate Vouchers on?
The Climate Vouchers can be used to purchase 10 types of energy- and water-efficient household products. These includes Refrigerators (3-ticks and above), Air conditioners (5-ticks and above), Direct current fans, LED lights (2-ticks and above), Washing machines (4-ticks), Water closets (3-ticks), Sink/Bib taps and mixers (3-ticks), Basin taps and mixers (3-ticks).
Click here to find out more.
Where can I spend my Climate Vouchers?
You can spend your Climate Vouchers on eligible items at any participating retail store. You may refer to the full list of participating retailers here.
How can I spend my Climate Vouchers?
Tap on your unique voucher link from the SMS sent by
Show the cashier any proof of the residential address that was used to claim the vouchers. The address displayed on the voucher should match the address displayed on the proof (e.g.NRIC).
Choose the voucher amount you want to spend and show the QR code to the cashier for scanning.
Vouchers can only be spent on eligible items.
Please refer to the step-by-step guide on how to claim and spend the $300 Climate Vouchers.
I forgot to bring my NRIC. Are there other types of personal identification documents that are accepted?
You may show the retailer your digital NRIC through the Singpass mobile app, or any recent utility bills or documents that displays your registered residential address. The address displayed on the voucher should match the address displayed on your digital NRIC, or bills/documents.
Does the verification process of checking my residential address breach the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)?
No, this step of checking your NRIC does not violate the PDPA, as it will only be used for verification purposes, and should not be shared for marketing purposes. If requested, we seek your cooperation to allow the retail staff to check the address on your personal identification documents (or any recent utility bills or documents) against the address on your voucher.
Please ensure that the retailer does not take a photo or photocopy of your NRIC or any other personal identification document, and that the NRIC or any other personal identification document is returned to you immediately upon verification.
Do I have to spend the full value of the Climate Vouchersin a single transaction?
No. Each set of Climate Vouchers comes in multiple denominations ($2, $5, $10, $50).
You may select the voucher amount you would like to spend. For example, you can spend $30 worth of Climate Vouchers on eligible LED lights today and use the remaining $270 at a later date on another eligible product.
Can I use my own and someone else’s Climate Vouchers in a single transaction?
Multiple Climate Vouchers across different residential addresses cannot be combined in a single transaction.
I have completed my purchase without redeeming the Climate Voucher. Can I get reimbursed directly from NEA or PUB?
Only participating merchants can accept the Climate Vouchers. NEA/PUB will not reimburse residents for unredeemed vouchers.
Can I spend my Climate Vouchers online?
The Climate Vouchers may be applied to offset your online purchase, but they can only be scanned in-person using the participating retailer’s approved Point-of-Sale system at their physical store or at the point of delivery.
Customers are strongly advised not to forward their vouchers to retailers remotely via social media or online platforms for scanning or redemption. Customers should check that the retailers offering online Climate Voucher promotions are Participating Retailers under the programme.
Can my household member (e.g. my child) spend the Climate Vouchers on my behalf?
Yes. You may share your unique voucher link with your household members, by clicking on “Info & help”, followed by “Share your vouchers”. You can also forward the voucher link SMS from to your household members directly. However, please be careful when sharing your unique voucher link with others as anyone with access to the link may be able to spend the vouchers. We seek your understanding that there will be no reinstatement made for vouchers that were shared erroneously.
If your family member lives with you, they can produce their own NRIC or any document showing their HDB residential address to the retail staff at the point of purchase.
If your family member does not live with you, they will have to produce a copy of your personal identification document (showing your HDB address) to the retail assistant at the point of purchase.

Can I ask a non-household member to use my vouchers to buy eligible items for me?
Yes, you may authorise a non-household member to buy eligible items for you using your household’s vouchers. However, they will have to bring a copy of your personal identification document showing your HDB address for verification by the participating retailer.
However, please be careful when sharing your unique voucher link with others as anyone with access to the link may be able to spend the vouchers. We seek your understanding that there will be no reinstatement made for vouchers that were shared erroneously.
Can the Climate Vouchers be sold?
The Climate Vouchers cannot be sold. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions of the Climate Vouchers here.
Do I get change back in cash if the purchase (e.g. $299) is less than the amount of digital vouchers that I want to spend (e.g. $300)?
There will be no cash change provided if the purchase amount is less than the voucher amount selected.
How do I find out how much value is left for my Climate Vouchers?
You may access your voucher link in the SMS sent by to find out the remaining balance of your Climate Vouchers. The value will be shown in the “Balance” as per the screenshot below

Can I donate my Climate Vouchers?
There is no option to donate the Climate Vouchers. The programme aims to encourage households to reduce their energy and water consumption, while saving costs in the long run. As such, we encourage you to use your vouchers to buy energy and/or water efficient appliances and/or fittings, if they need to be replaced.
* Multiple families/tenants living in the same registered address are collectively entitled to 1 set of Climate Vouchers for the same registered address/flat.
Refunds & Exchanges
Can I request for a refund for the product I purchased using the Climate Voucher?
All products purchased with the Climate Vouchers are strictly non-refundable. Please ensure that the products you are purchasing with the Climate Vouchers are suitable for your household, before proceeding with the purchase.
Can I do an exchange for other eligible products if the product I purchased using Climate Voucher is not suitable?
This is subject to the exchange policy of the participating retailer. Please note that if your retailer allows exchanges, the replacement product must be an eligible product under the enhanced CFHP.
I am interested to participate in this programme as a retailer. How can I find out more?
To participate in the programme, which will run until 31 December 2027, your company would need to sell at least one of the 10 eligible products, and have a physical Point of Sales system (i.e. online or remote scanning of vouchers are not supported).
Your POS or Sales system should be able to:
connect to the internet to redeem vouchers in real-time via API integration,
configure a whitelisting module for eligible products (i.e. a module in your POS or Sales system that can ensure that the Climate Vouchers are only used for NEA/PUB-approved items), and
support QR code scanning.
Please note that retailer onboarding will be done in batches, and not on an ad-hoc basis as there are several stages in the onboarding process. You may reach out to the team at for more information.
Further Enquiries
Should you have further enquiries, please contact us at